The Directorate of Prosecutions in Telangana State is headed by the Director of Prosecution. The Directorate of Prosecutions in Telangana state functions under the administrative control of Home Department. All the Prosecutors cadre, special public Prosecutors and prosecutors appointed by the Govt are Subordinates to the Director of Prosecutions.
Director of Prosecutions is assisted by the Addl director of prosecution and Joint Director of Prosecutions/Public Prosecutor to look after the administration and supervision of entire State Prosecution. Deputy Director of Prosecutions/Addl PP grade-I is responsible for the administration of the District and also entrusted with prosecution in District and sessions Judge. Addl Public Prosecutor Grade-I & II are entrusted with prosecution in District and sessions Courts, Addl.District and Sessions Courts. Senior Asst Public Prosecutors and Asst Public prosecutors are entrusted with prosecution in Magistrate Courts.
Unlike the Prosecution Departments of other states, the Telangana Prosecution Department is represented by a unique Logo which reflects the aspirations of Department. The Directorate has emerged as a legal advisory hub for various government departments. The Directorate being a department of Youngest state in India committed in shaping the department into a most effective Prosecution system in India. The Directorate has taken initiation to expertise its prosecutors through various training programs at National and State Level, Sensitizing various stake holders of Criminal Justice System to build safer communities. The Directorate is also playing key role in drafting new state enactments and amendments by sending its recommendations by constituting expert committees of relevant subjects.
Vision of Directorate: